Memories for Zoe Elizabeth

This Blog is for my precious baby girl, who will most likely be born sometime around October 15th...even though she isn't due until October 31st.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Two weeks and growing....

We had our 2 week check up today! Zoe weighed 6 lbs 8 oz....she's gained 7 oz since leaving Cooks!! YAY!! Way to go little Zoe! She has a little bit of a cold that she got from her brother, but hopefully it will go away soon. The DR said she's perfect! And she sure seems like she is!

We did find out that the pulmonologists won't recommend her for the Synagis vaccine, to reduce her RSV risk. Even though she was recommended for it by two different Doctors. I have to call our insurance carrier and see if they'll pay for's like a thousand dollars a month and she has to have a shot a month from now until March....and if the DRs won't recommend her for it (the pulmonologists, that is), then the insurance company most likely won't pay for it. That means she can't get the vaccine, which scares me. But all I can do is try!

We go back to the DR on the 11th of November for our 1 month check up!


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