Memories for Zoe Elizabeth

This Blog is for my precious baby girl, who will most likely be born sometime around October 15th...even though she isn't due until October 31st.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Zoe's Room

It's pretty much complete. The glider needs assembling, which will happen tomorrow. But it's not going in there right away, it's going to be spending some time in the Living Room for those late night rocking needs. Her bassinet will be purchased on Monday, after the amnio. I'll be assembling that Monday during Daniel's nap....either that, or I'll be napping with him in our big bed. Probably the latter, and he can help me assemble the bassinet after we wake up. Tomorrow night I'm planning on assembling some casseroles to freeze, for easy fixing of dinner after Zoe arrives.

I'll probably be in the hospital for 4 days....meaning I'll be home on Friday at the earliest. I'm anticipating a good, uneventful stay. I'm praying for a speedy recovery, and I'm praying for a great hospital experience, since this will most likely be my last child birthing experience. At the very least, it's my last child birthing experience for the forseeable next few years....


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