Memories for Zoe Elizabeth

This Blog is for my precious baby girl, who will most likely be born sometime around October 15th...even though she isn't due until October 31st.

Monday, December 26, 2005


I am thankful God has given me two beautiful, healthy, normal children. God has Blessed me far beyond anything I deserve, and I only hope I do a good job raising them. They're special, they're perfect, and it's hard to believe they're MINE....for a little while, anyway.

Zoe is growing so much every day! She's awake more, and more every day. She sleeps well at night, and she is even on a self-induced schedule! She goes to bed pretty predictably every night and I'm thankful for that. Daniel didn't do that until he was over a year!

What beautiful children. Thank You, God.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

She is SUCH an amazing baby....

She puts herself to sleep!!! No, I'm NOT kidding! It's bedtime, she's cranky...she gets her reflux medicines, a bath (if it's that night), she eats and if she doesn't fall asleep while nursing.....she falls asleep on her own in her bassinet!! I can't believe it. Daniel only recently started doing that. And she only wakes up at night if she's hungry....Unless she has serious gas, which sometimes happens.

She is a truly amazing baby, and I am so, so lucky.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Zoe's First Christmas

Is in 4 days. She's growing, she's happy, she's healthy. I thank GOD every single day for those things. Daniel is the world's greatest big brother. I cannot TELL you how thankful I am for that! He loves his shoshee so much! And she loves him right back....she is constantly tracking him with her eyes. Wherever he goes, her eyes are glued onto him. I love watching him with her. I get a kick out of the way he says her name. I love my children so much it hurts.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Zoe by the numbers....2 months

So, we had our two month check up today!

Length : 22.5" = 60%
Weight : 9 lbs 9 oz = 20% (that's a 15% jump!)
Head circ : 15"

In a word, she's awesome! I'll post later a comparison of Daniel : Zoe date by date :)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Zoe's Dedication...sharing what is on my heart

Having children is God's way of sharing His love for us WITH us. He gives us the largest responsibility wrapped up in the tiniest of packages. As Daniel and Zoe's Mommy and Daddy it is our God given job to raise them as His children. To raise two of God's angels to be a Godly man and woman. To prepare them to one day be Godly spouses for whomever has been chosen for them.

To think that our love for our children does not even begin to touch the love God has for all of us, is awe-inspiring. Therefore, it is with much joy, great excitement, and a little trepidation that we accept this difficult task.

We promise to raise Zoe and Daniel in such a way that they reflect Jesus and His love wherever they may go. We commit to our children and our families to raise our children by following the example you set when you raised us. We promise to always make our home a loving home. We promise to give our children the room they need to grow, with the loving boundaries they will also need to help them learn discipline. In whatever tasks may lie ahead for them, we promise to equip them as best we know how. We therefore dedicate ourselves as parents, and our children to God.

We have learned how to parent from watching this congregation. From watching individual parents nurture their kiddos, to being nurtured by this church as if we were it's offspring. We have so much more to learn, and we ask simply that you be willing to share. We ask that you be willing to teach, to pray, to help us seek.

Friday, December 09, 2005

On going back to work....

Against the wishes of my DR, I started back to work this week. Only part time, but it still means I'm away from my kiddos. I won't lie, it's hard. I just keep thinking about the good I'm doing for my family. When my working ceases to be a good thing, I will quit. In the meantime, I will suck it up and do my duty. I hate having to be away from them, especially Zoe, because I feel like I am gipping her. After all, I got a whole year at home with Daniel. I guess I just stick it out, and eventually I'll be home with her.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Zoe has reflux. She's on two medications for it : Reglan and Zantac. She seems to be better. With one downside. She sleeps ALL THE TIME. Again. She was just starting to be more awake and now she sleeps again. I don't understand it, and it worries me. Right now, for instance : she should have eaten half an hour ago, and I gave her medicine to her. Now she's still asleep with her bink stuck in her mouth. I don't understand it. I don't mind her eating less frequently (in fact, it's better for when I start back to work) but the sleepiness worries me, to be quite honest. I just don't think it's normal. But I don't want to call the DR because I don't want to be treated like I'm an idiot, which is what usually happens.